Digital assistance systems support employees in perception, decision-making or the execution of activities.
According to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research ("TransWork" project), digital assistance systems are computer-based systems that help people with their actions.
If a digital assistance system supports the perception (recording of information) or decision-making (processing of information), this is referred to as cognitive assistance. If it supports the execution of activities, it is called physical assistance.
- Promotes the absorption of information
- Supports the five senses, especially visual, auditory and tactile perception
- Points out typical sources of error
- Promotes information processing
- Improves learning and problem solving
- Helps prioritise and make complex decisions
- Leads to an error-free application
- Supports the physical execution of work
- Serves ergonomic work design
- Simplifies movement processes in the everyday work of organisations
Why Company digital assistance systems need
Companies have to meet the challenges of high flexibility, speed and growing cost pressure in order to remain competitive both nationally and internationally. Digital assistance systems can help with the following problems:
Technologies to support of the People
There is a wide range of technologies from robotic assistance systems that physically relieve employees to smart devices that provide employees with relevant information. These solutions can be integrated by the way information is transferred between people and technology:
Type Of Information output:
Type Of Information output:
What focuses on Leanbyte?
Leanbyte focuses on cognitive assistance and is designed to support people's ability to absorb and process information. Leanbyte is a mobile, digital assistance system and works with visual, acoustic and haptic elements when outputting information. For input, it uses standardised, automatically recognising and manual elements.
Leanbyte has 3 Objectives
Documenting content no longer takes time
Staff induction is replaced by guided, independent work
Employees work efficiently and without errors