Leanbyte User Stories
We are working on our user stories. Get in touch with us and learn more about Leanbyte, current projects and references from the industry.

About the company
Oberhofer Kunststofftechnik GmbH is an innovative family business specialising in the manufacture of complex plastic products. The in-house development centre includes all competences starting with the design, the construction of prototypes, the development of suitable tools and special machines up to the series production of the developed products.
In-house developments include, for example, the well-known plastic tap on the 5-litre supermarket beer kegs, but also completely new, environmentally friendly approaches such as buckets made of plastic and meadow grass.
Over the years, the Managing Director, Mr. Oberhofer, noticed that the documentation in paper form or in Excel led to errors in manual entries, unnecessary multiple documentations and increased efforts in changing existing documentation. Even with the greatest efforts, errors could not be eliminated. Increased documentation efforts remained the order of the day. The digital assistance system Leanbyte standardised and digitally mapped the entire documentation.
Implementation of the digital assistance system Leanbyte
At the beginning, the Leanbyte assistance system was set up in one area and tested in detail. For this purpose, two tablets were made available to record the work processes, including appropriate image and video documentation. Using the existing Word and paper documentation, it was possible to document the most important processes in the area of machine operation, quality assurance - with the signature of the inspection documentation - and maintenance activities within 3 hours. The documented knowledge was attached to the machine as a QR code, so that the processes to be completed, such as work instructions, checklists and quality inspections, can now be called up directly at the workstation.
After the successful test phase, Leanbyte was successively rolled out and all processes and documentation were digitalised until the entire operation was paperless.
The Leanbyte Effect
Efficiency increase
annual savings
Customer review
"Leanbyte made a full digitalisation of the company possible. All processes, activities, training and QA measures are digitally mapped in one place and can be accessed from anywhere at any time thanks to the cloud solution. The simple and intuitive handling ensures that even IT-inexperienced employees can use the system. The short implementation time of the "ready to use" solution and the fact that the employees work with the system with enthusiasm were very positive. Thus, we were already able to achieve € 95,000 in savings in the first year."